Bill Shorten Wife, All The Details You Need To Know!

Chloe Shorten, wife of Labor leader Bill Shorten, inadvertently caused a media storm with her $25 gold necklace during his Budget reply speech. What seemed like an ordinary accessory quickly became a focal point of …

Chloe Shorten, wife of Labor leader Bill Shorten, inadvertently caused a media storm with her $25 gold necklace during his Budget reply speech. What seemed like an ordinary accessory quickly became a focal point of political commentary and public scrutiny. Let’s unravel the details of this incident and its implications.

What Happened During the Speech?

During Bill Shorten’s Budget reply speech, Chloe Shorten was seen wearing a gold necklace. Midway through the 30-minute address, she mysteriously removed the necklace, drawing significant attention. This seemingly innocuous action set off a flurry of speculation and rumors.

Why Did Chloe Shorten Remove Her Necklace?

Initially, commentators speculated that Chloe removed the necklace because it sent a conflicting message during Bill Shorten’s speech. He criticized the federal Budget for favoring the rich over ordinary workers. The necklace, perceived as expensive, appeared contradictory to this message. However, a Labor source clarified that Chloe removed the necklace because the clasp broke. This source also criticized Liberal MPs for trying to turn the incident into a political issue.

How Did the Public React?

The public and media reaction was swift and intense. Rumors circulated about the reasons behind Chloe’s decision to remove her necklace. Some speculated that she was asked to remove it to avoid sending the wrong message. The incident highlighted the heightened scrutiny faced by public figures and their families.

What Did Chloe Shorten Say?

Chloe Shorten addressed the situation with humor and grace. She tweeted, “Happy birthday darling. Sorry my $20 necklace caused so much trouble!” along with a picture of her and Bill Shorten kissing after his speech. This tweet aimed to downplay the incident and shift the focus back to the important issues discussed in the speech.

How Did the Political Parties Respond?

The response from political parties added another layer to the controversy. A Labor source condemned the Liberal MPs for focusing on Chloe’s necklace instead of the Budget. “The fact that the Libs are trying to make this the story shows they know the Budget’s a flop. It’s grubby and speaks volumes about how the Liberal Party treats women,” the source said. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull declined to comment on the necklace when questioned by Channel 7 breakfast host Samantha Armytage, emphasizing that he was focused on the speech.

Who is Chloe Shorten?

Chloe Shorten is a prominent figure in her own right. She is a corporate affairs specialist and has been an integral part of Bill Shorten’s political journey. Over the past year, Labor has deliberately elevated her profile. She played a central role during last winter’s election campaign, showcasing her support and commitment to her husband’s political endeavors.

What Are Chloe Shorten’s Accomplishments?

In addition to her support for Bill Shorten, Chloe has achieved significant personal milestones. She is the daughter of former governor-general Dame Quentin Bryce. Recently, Chloe became an author, publishing a book about her blended family. Her efforts in raising awareness about various issues and her active involvement in the campaign trail have been noteworthy.

What Was the Controversy About the Labor Party’s Spending?

Chloe Shorten’s involvement in the campaign was not without controversy. It was revealed that the Labor Party spent $60,000 on a stylist and a new wardrobe for the Shortens, using membership fees. This expenditure drew criticism and raised questions about the party’s spending priorities.

How Did the Necklace Incident Affect Public Perception?

The necklace incident, though seemingly trivial, highlighted the intense scrutiny faced by public figures. It underscored how personal choices and appearances can be politicized and become points of contention. Despite the media frenzy, Chloe’s response helped to mitigate the situation, emphasizing the need to focus on substantive political issues rather than personal accessories.


Chloe Shorten’s $25 gold necklace unexpectedly became a symbol of political controversy. The incident highlighted the challenges faced by public figures and their families, as well as the media’s role in shaping public perception. Chloe’s graceful handling of the situation and her continued support for her husband reflect her resilience and dedication. As the dust settles, it is hoped that the focus will return to the critical issues at hand, rather than the accessories worn by those in the public eye.

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