Steven Gerrard Wife, Get All The Details You Need Here!

June 6, 2024 – Steven Gerrard, a legend of Liverpool and now a successful coach, has embraced a new chapter in his career by moving to the Middle East. In July 2023, he took on …

June 6, 2024 – Steven Gerrard, a legend of Liverpool and now a successful coach, has embraced a new chapter in his career by moving to the Middle East. In July 2023, he took on the role of head coach at Saudi Pro League club Al Ettifaq. Despite the significant cultural shift, Gerrard and his family have found a unique way to balance their personal and professional lives. But why is Gerrard’s wife, Alex, more comfortable in Bahrain than in Saudi Arabia?

Why Did Steven Gerrard Choose Saudi Arabia?

Steven Gerrard’s move to Al Ettifaq came as a surprise to many. Known for his illustrious playing career with Liverpool and a promising start in management with Rangers and Aston Villa, his decision to join a Saudi club raised eyebrows. But Gerrard’s enthusiasm for the role has only grown since his arrival. Earning around £15 million per year, Gerrard has enjoyed a level of luxury and respect that aligns with his high-profile status in football.

How Is Gerrard Splitting His Time Between Saudi Arabia and Bahrain?

While Gerrard’s work is based in Saudi Arabia, his family life is rooted in Bahrain. The Gerrard family resides in a luxurious villa in Hamala, a prestigious area known for its elite residents, including members of the Bahraini royal family. Gerrard’s daily routine involves a 15-mile commute over the causeway from Bahrain to Saudi Arabia. This unique setup allows him to maintain a presence in both countries, balancing his coaching duties with family life.

What Makes Bahrain More Appealing to Alex Gerrard?

Alex Gerrard, Steven’s wife, has shown a clear preference for living in Bahrain rather than Saudi Arabia. The lifestyle in Bahrain is notably less restrictive, offering more freedom in terms of dress and social activities, which is particularly appealing to many expats. Bahrain’s openness provides a stark contrast to the conservative environment of Saudi Arabia, making it a more comfortable place for the Gerrard family to live.

How Are the Gerrard Children Adapting to Their New Home?

Steven and Alex Gerrard have four children: Lilly Ella, 19; Lexie, 17; Lourdes, 12; and Lio, 7. The children have adapted well to their new surroundings. They attend a top-tier English language school in Bahrain, ranked among the world’s top 100. This school, with fees nearing £11,000 per child, ensures that they continue receiving high-quality education while experiencing a different cultural environment.

What Luxuries Does the Gerrard Family Enjoy in Bahrain?

The Gerrards’ home in Bahrain is nothing short of extravagant. Their £10,000-a-month villa boasts its own swimming pool and games room, providing ample entertainment and comfort. The family enjoys frequent visits to the Ritz-Carlton’s open-air bar, where they can watch Premier League matches. According to local lawyer Mo Al Khalifa, who often sees the Gerrards at the Ritz, they seem to enjoy their life in Bahrain without the intrusions that come with celebrity status.

Why Is Bahrain a Preferred Destination for Expats?

Bahrain offers a lifestyle that appeals to many expats, including the Gerrards. The ability to enjoy social activities such as visiting bars and clubs, dressing casually, and mingling with a diverse community makes Bahrain an attractive place to live. Steven Gerrard is a regular at the Bahrain Rugby Club, where he can relax and enjoy a beer, activities that are more restricted in Saudi Arabia.

What Are Alex Gerrard’s Favorite Spots in Bahrain?

Alex Gerrard has found her favorite haunts in Bahrain, with a particular love for shopping. She frequents the World Trade Centre, known for its high-end fashion labels like Gucci and Louis Vuitton, and the Avenues, a scenic waterfront shopping center. These destinations provide a touch of the luxury and comfort she enjoyed back in the UK.

How Does Gerrard Balance His Coaching Role and Family Life?

Balancing a demanding coaching role with family life is no small feat, but Steven Gerrard seems to have mastered it. By maintaining a home base in Bahrain, he ensures his family enjoys a high quality of life while he fulfills his professional responsibilities in Saudi Arabia. This dual setup allows him to be present for his family while pursuing his passion for football.

Will Steven Gerrard Stay in the Middle East Long Term?

With Gerrard signing on to extend his contract with Al Ettifaq until 2027, it’s clear that he is committed to his role in Saudi Arabia for the foreseeable future. However, the arrangement of living in Bahrain suggests that the family has found a viable long-term solution that accommodates their needs and preferences.


Steven Gerrard’s journey to the Middle East has been an adventure for his entire family. While Gerrard thrives in his coaching role in Saudi Arabia, his family enjoys the vibrant, more relaxed lifestyle of Bahrain. This balance between professional duty and family comfort highlights the Gerrards’ ability to adapt and thrive in a new cultural setting. As they continue to settle into their life in the Middle East, it remains to be seen how long they will call Bahrain home.

This detailed look into Steven Gerrard’s life in the Middle East shows how he and his family are navigating the complexities of living and working in different cultures. From commuting over the causeway to enjoying luxurious amenities, the Gerrards have found a way to make the most of their new environment.

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